The past few days have been pretty tiring. The Freedom Firm staff had their retreat this weekend, so the five girls stayed with us at Farley (our house). It's been really great getting to know each of their individual personalities - they are all so different from one another! Although there is a language barrier, especially with the few who speak very little English - their personalities still come through strongly! There are moments of tension - mostly surrounding issues of cultural differences (they can't grasp the fact that we don't eat rice for every meal!) - and working through these situations with a language barrier can be pretty trying, but we get the job done eventually, ha!
The church I go to here is really great - it's pastored by a South African man, and most of the "foreigners" attend. Both weeks I have had things to take away from his sermons, so that's a real blessing to still be fed with the Word during this time. I felt so encouraged and excited about the Lord's provisions leaving church this Sunday!
I've gotten used to my bucket showers again, and am slowly getting used to the spice of Indian food, and also getting used to eating a lot of the same foods here at home, since we don't have access to everything we're used to back home. Once again, overall, doing really well. I'm excited to see what the next 10 weeks will look like (that's right - only 10 more weeks till the journey is over and I land back in USA!)
If you are a pray-er:
- health - I had a little bit of a cold, which thankfully went away, but now one of my housemates is quite sick, and the other one was sick a few weeks ago - pray for continued healing & health for all of us!
- for less tension and conflict between us and the girls - for more understanding on both our parts, and for mature resolution.
- for confidence in my role and purpose here.