Monday, January 30, 2012

care means nothing.

Hello again my beautiful, wonderful, faithful blog readers! (and welcome to those of you who have newly joined the cyber-version of my journey!)

It’s time again - time for me to set off on another foot of my journey. In just 3 days, I will head off to India.

A couple of weeks ago (here comes that brutal honesty you all enjoy… ha), I would have given anything to get back on a plane to America and just say goodbye to this trip (again..). But, today, the Lord is faithful and kind and merciful to hear my cry! How beautiful is it to see His promises in scripture come true (finally…! Just kidding.. who am I to question His timing?!)

I have been lucky to be able to be in contact with the two girls I will be living with in India – both about my age, which is a nice touch. I am looking forward to meeting them.

But, as I have been thinking about this next part of my trip, I realised I had to remind myself of something that I wrote about earlier (I think in my second post). WHY am I doing this?? I was sitting in church yesterday (I admit, my mind may or may not have wandered after this point came to me, spurred by something the pastor had said..hehe). I am an emotional person – perhaps you are too – maybe those sad ads on the TV or the sad videos on Facebook or the sad stories in the magazines just make you feel sad and horrified and like the world is just an ugly place. I know I feel that way sometimes – I think ‘How can SUCH evil exist?’ But here’s the thing: an emotional reaction basically means, well..nothing. When I feel sad or offended or angry at a situation or issue, that emotion really has no effect on any situation other than my selfish am I?? A reACTION, really, doesn’t mean a thing until it becomes an ACTION. What purpose does my care or compassion really serve if it ultimately does nothing for those I feel it for? How dare I sit and cry or sit and be disgusted or sit and condemn those who commit evil if I’m not willing to get up and DO something about it! That is vain, selfish, shallow, and a misuse of the emotional capabilities (+ whatever other gifts I feel He has created me for) that God has placed within me. It’s time to stop seeing, watching, reading, feeling – and DO. A verse that seems to have followed me my entire life is Micah 6:8 – and what does the Lord require of you? To DO justice, to love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. Not think about justice, not want justice, not like justice – but to DO justice.

So, I am feeling excited to finally get to live this out. Don’t get me wrong, I am still nervous! I don’t typically don’t get along very well with transitions.. and I’m really sick of airports and planes.. ha! But, overall, I feel excitedly-anxious for what is ahead of me.

If you are pray-ers, I would appreciate your help!

  • That I would transition quickly and easily to my life in India – I REALLY struggled with this in Rwanda, so I don’t want a repeat of that!
  • That God will really bless the relationships I have with both my housemates, and the other workers at Freedom Firm.
  • That God will quickly heal any negative emotions I will feel leaving Australia and arriving in India – that He would remind me of the things written in this post as I go through this next phase.

THANKS AS ALWAYS! You guys are more encouraging than you know!

P.S. Check out Freedom Firm (click here!) if you are not yet familiar with them..

"You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered down occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless" - Caroline Myss

'"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." - Matthew 25:40

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