Friday, August 19, 2011

visa schmisa.

after a lot of speculation, researching, reading, waiting, emergency trips to the Shelter Island library, filling out paper work, phone calls with irritated embassy workers.. my Rwandan visa came today!

which is GREAT given i only submitted the correct form on Wednesday..

this is a big yay!

but a bit scary, because that makes it all one step more real..

thanks to anyone who prayed!


UPDATE: just kidding... they did the dates wrong.. it's been issued for yesterday through November...... going to call them and see what can be done..


RE-UPDATE: so, apparently Rwandan visas are valid from the day they are approved, for the next 90 days. so the place on the form where it asks for "date of entrance" has nothing to do with the validity. so, i will have to apply for a new visa a week before i actually leave for Rwanda. this is very nerve-wracking, but i made sure to ask "am i guaranteed its approval in time for me to leave?" and he said yes... i am scared to take his word for it, but at this point, it's all i have. any pray-ers out there - please be praying that when the time comes, that this will all go smoothly (which would be out of character for this whole experience..)

it's been a rollercoaster. i'm feeling pretty worn out about it (this process was started a couple of months ago when me and my dad drove all the way to DC only to find out that my passport couldn't be renewed that day..) but i am having hope and trusting that eventually everything will come together.

thanks again.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Going to India!

I have officially been invited to go to India to work with Freedom Firm!!

They were able to accept me for a different time period that no longer is in conflict with my time in Rwanda. I will only be going for 3 months now, instead of 6, beginning in February, and returning in April.

I will be in Southern India in a small village named Ooty, in the state of Tamil Nadu. <--- this is a great video that explains a little more about Freedom Firm and their work.

I'm feeling absolutely honoured to be working with them, and the fact that God has allowed me to reach people like this is completely humbling. None of this has to do with me - He has created me for this, I am simply living in response to who He has made me to be. Things didn't exactly go the way I had planned, but that's just how life goes - we can make plans as much as we want, but that doesn't mean things will happen that way. To be honest, I am slightly disappointed that I will be there for a shorter time, but I am trusting that I will still be able to carry out meaningful work. This has been a reminder for me to be humble and to be more open to unexpected turns of events!

Thank you to anyone who was praying :) You are greatly appreciated.

Funnily enough, as I was writing this the Rwandan Embassy called.. I filled out the wrong visa form.. BUT, they are allowing me to email the correct form, so there won't be too much of a delay on getting my visa approved; prayers surrounding this situation are still appreciated :)

Thanks so much for reading


Thursday, August 11, 2011


So I definitely should be sleeping, alas, I am in the mood to write this.

So as an update, first and foremost: my visa application is on it's way to Delaware to be united with all the other documents required for my application to be formally submitted. I'm hoping to get a multi-entry visa in case I want to pop over the border into Uganda, or some other neighbouring country. But at the moment, I'm just anxious for everything to be approved so I can move forward with booking my flights.

I was able to skype with Donna and some of the kids the other night and also morning!! Gosh - I already am filled with such joy. I can't wait to actually meet them. Their first question for me was "Do you like football?", followed by "Will you play football with us?" They were thrilled to hear I am a Chelsea fan, and proceeded to ask me only about which Chelsea players I like :) They also asked when I was coming and when I was leaving - it makes me feel good to know they are already anticipating my arrival :)

As far as India goes, I have not heard anything back yet - I'm being optimistic and taking this as a good sign - that perhaps they are looking into it and seeing what can be done about the time period..

Ok. Moving on.. another question posed by a friend that I decided would be appropriate to answer here for all to read..

"What made you want to go?"

HA. Probably a question I SHOULD have an immediate answer to. It took me aback because I really felt like I had to think about it.. I don't know that there is an easy answer. It's cliche, but it's true, that this is something I've been wanting to do since I was a kid - I can't remember a time that I didn't want to go to Africa/travel. But obviously this is much more than just some childhood dream. I'm the kind of person that can't just hear something sad, and feel something, and then move on in my life. When I feel something, I need to act upon it in some way. (This of course has it's limitations in that I am not able to act upon EVERYTHING that sparks emotion..) I am not comfortable, or happy, or purposeful, or passionate just sitting still and watching a world go on around me that is suffering. I know that I cannot fix the world, or a country, a state, a city - heck I can't even "fix" one person.. but I can stand by them and empower them to move forward in some way. Perhaps not even that, perhaps they will never find relief from suffering, but if I can just show them an ounce of love and compassion, then my purpose as a human being, and as a proudly-confessing Christ-follower, has been fulfilled. I suppose my motivation comes from a desire to prove evil wrong: I don't want people to continue to live their lives thinking that there is only pain and suffering in this life. I want them to know that there are people who care, that there is hope, that there can be peace in the midst of evil. If I could be the one to bring that message to them, I would feel that my life has reached what it should be, and would be TRULY honoured. Ultimately, I would hope they could see that this peace and hope and love all does come from Christ, but even if they don't, I would be happy to know they had relief from doubt, sadness, and hopelessness.

So. There you have it - why I do what I do. In a very brief nutshell..

To all the pray-ers out there, would it be ok if I compiled a little list for you? :)

- For my India application to be approved for January
- For my Rwandan visa to be processed, and processed QUICKLY
- For finances - this is a trip that my parents and I decided we would fund ourselves, however, the cost is very high. Although I am not asking people directly for support (through formal support letters, etc), I am not too proud or naive to know that God does provide, and that His provision often comes through others. So, prayer for financial provisions (feel free to contact me if you are interested in donating :) )
- Safety while I am there. Although I am not placing myself in any direct danger, traveling always has risks, especially being a female in a foreign country.

THANKS. I appreciate if you made it to the end of this horridly long post... :)


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

keep a -prayin'!

Hi all,

SO! funny thing timing is! I just received an email from the organisation in India this morning! I have...


however... I was accepted for the same time period that I'm meant to spend in Rwanda..

so I have requested to be approved for a January arrival, and I'm hoping this is something that is do-able on their end. I'd hate to have to miss out on working with them just because of timing.

so all of you who are pray-ers, once again, I would really appreciate your prayers on this one!



Monday, August 8, 2011


Someone kindly pointed out to me that this blog does not yet explain what I am doing.. :)

So. As of right now I am going to be volunteering with an orphanage called New Hope Homes in Rwanda <-- click there to learn about them! You can read some more about them on my contact, Donna's blog: She often posts pictures and updates of the children there - and they are BEAUTIFUL.

The plan is to leave in late September, and stay through until late December, so about 3 months. Right before Christmas, I will go to Australia to spend some time with my family. I will stay there until sometime in January.

Now, as far as India goes, I have only applied to the organisation I want to volunteer with, but have not yet heard back about my acceptance/rejection (I hope the first one!!) But they are an organisation dedicated to the rescuing of children forced into sex slavery. Not only do they rescue these children, but they work hard to get these children the services they need - education, job training, counseling & therapy, as well as attempting to locate the girl's family. The after-care program is made up of Social Work volunteers, which is perfect since I just received my Bachelor's of Social Work in May.

If I am accepted, I plan to stay about 5-6 months, so until June/July.

So, like I said, prayers for my acceptance are appreciated :)

- Bronte.


Hi everyone!

This is going to be the blog I will use to update everyone on my travels to both Rwanda and India!

Obviously I haven't left yet, so there isn't much to say, however I'm going to start writing occasionally up until when I actually do leave - then hopefully much more frequently! I have been able to establish that I will have access to internet in Rwanda, however I do have to pay per KB or however they measure it, so skyping won't be very accessible due to cost. I can access email and facebook, etc, but again, with limited access due to cost. So - this will be my main form of communicating to people about what I'm doing.

Currently I am still waiting for my Rwandan Visa to be processed, and also to be officially accepted to the program I'd really love to work with in India. So, if you're a pray-er, those are some things you might add to your list :)

I'm both anxious and excited at this point - it is slowly becoming a reality which is very intimidating. But, I'll have to let you know how it goes in a couple of months! ;)
